How to Clean and Maintain Outdoor Statues

June 19, 2024 by Elizabeth Bavaro

Outdoor religious statues are a great way to show off your faith and add beauty to your home. Perhaps you recently inherited a statue of Mary from your mother or picked out a perfect statue of Saint Francis to watch over your garden. For whatever reason you choose to display a statue outdoors, it is important to keep it clean to prolong its longevity and keep your outdoor space looking tidy. 

Over time, these statues can accumulate dirt, dust, bird droppings, and other debris. Regular cleaning is necessary to maintain their appearance and prevent damage. In this article, we will discuss some effective methods to clean your outdoor statue and restore its original beauty, ensuring that it remains a cherished focal point in your outdoor space.

When to Clean Outdoor Statues

If your concrete statue is beginning to accumulate a layer of dirt or algae, it's time to give it a good cleaning. Make sure to avoid cleaning your statue in freezing or near-freezing weather. Concrete is absorbent, so any water that gets inside will expand as it freezes. This can cause the concrete to crack. The best time to clean an outdoor garden statue is in the spring, summer, or early fall.

Cleaning Materials and Tools

Before you start, it's important to know which cleaning materials are okay to use, and which can be harmful to the statues (and plants!) in your garden. 

The best cleaning solution is also the simplest - mild soap and warm water. Avoid bleach-based products, scented soaps, or other harsh chemicals. To avoid harming the plants in your garden, opt for an environmentally friendly dish soap.

You will also need a soft cloth or brush to scrub away any caked-on grime. Don't use a wire brush or any other abrasive tools. Avoid using a power washer - this can cause the paint to chip. Use a hose with a gentle spray setting.

Cleaning Process

Once you have your tools, follow these simple steps to get your statue looking brand new:

A. Prepare the statue for cleaning by removing any large debris such as leaves or cobwebs from the statue.

B. Wash with gentle water spray

C. Gently scrub with soap and water for a deeper clean

D. Clean hard-to-reach areas with a small brush or toothbrush

E. Dry the statue quickly to avoid excess absorption

F. Practice regular maintenance to catch any signs of cracking, chipping, or fading


Garden statues are made to withstand the elements. But years of exposure and lawn mower mishaps can take a toll on their appearance. If you begin to notice cracks or chips on your statue, treating it with a sealant can help protect it and extend its lifespan. There are a few different options for sealants, such as acrylic sealers or clear coats specifically designed for outdoor use. The sealant will act as a waterproof barrier, inhibiting water absorption. This will prevent both cracking and moss growth. 

When Is It Time to Get a New Statue?

After years of care and maintenance, there may come a time when it's necessary to replace your outdoor garden statue. While proper cleaning and upkeep can extend the life of your statue, factors such as weather exposure, wear and tear, and damage can eventually take their toll. Professional repairs can be expensive, and are often not worth the cost. If your statue is truly a sentimental piece, try a do-it-yourself fix. Otherwise, it may be time to invest in a new statue. 

Here are some signs that it may be time to consider getting a new statue:

  1. Cracks or Breaks: If you notice cracks or breaks in the statue, it may be beyond repair. Cracks can weaken the structure of the statue and impact its overall appearance.
  2. Fading or Discoloration: Over time, outdoor statues can fade or become discolored due to sun exposure and weather conditions. If the colors have significantly faded or changed, it may be time for a replacement.
  3. Damage to Features: If the statue's features, such as facial expressions, details, or limbs, have been damaged or worn down, it can detract from the overall aesthetic of the statue.
  4. Structural Integrity: If the statue has become unstable or wobbly, it may pose a safety hazard. It's important to ensure that your outdoor statues are securely placed and stable to prevent accidents.
  5. Overall Appearance: If you find that no amount of cleaning or restoration can bring back the original beauty of the statue, it may be time to invest in a new one to enhance your outdoor space.

When it comes to selecting a new outdoor garden statue, consider factors such as material, size, design, and placement to ensure that it complements your outdoor space and withstands the elements for years to come. Remember to continue regular maintenance and care to preserve the beauty and longevity of your new statue.

Shop Our Selection of Outdoor Religious Statues at Chiarelli's Religious Goods

At Chiarelli's Religious Goods, we carry a wide selection of beautiful statues for your garden. Our collection features a variety of sacred statues from popular saints and angels to Jesus and Mary. For Christmastime, we also carry church-quality outdoor nativity sets and lawn signs.

Our statues are crafted with attention to detail and quality materials for you to enjoy for years to come. Let us help you create a sacred and peaceful outdoor sanctuary with our collection of religious statues. To shop our selection and find the perfect addition to your garden or outdoor space, visit or call Chiarelli's Religious Goods today.