Liturgy Training Publications
Children's Daily Prayer (2022 Edition)
Children's Daily Prayer (2022 Edition)
Throughout the history of the Church, Christians have consecrated time by pausing at various moments throughout the day to pray the Liturgy of the Hours (Guide for Celebrating Liturgy of the Hours). Children’s Daily Prayer is a form of the Liturgy of the Hours, adapted for children. It helps to guide children in a daily service of communal prayer that follows the pattern of the Church’s Morning Prayer.
The heart of this annual resource is a simple order of prayer for each day or week that can be easily led by a student. Designed to fit seamlessly into your day, the entire prayer service takes no more than five to eight minutes. Daily Scripture texts have been carefully selected to help children “walk through the Bible” and become familiar with the great stories and themes of Salvation History.
Children’s Daily Prayer 2022 includes:
- An order of prayer for each day and week of the school year from August 15, 2021–June 29, 2022
- Prayer services, suitable for classroom or large gatherings, for solemnities, feasts, and other special occasions
- An “About the Season” section explaining each liturgical time, its character, and how to create conducive prayer environments for it
- Send home pages connecting childrens’ classroom and home lives
- New this year: Instructions for parents on using the book with their children at home, and how to set up a prayer space.
More pronunciation guides have been added in the Opening sections and within the Scripture passages to accommodate young readers who will be leading prayer. Teachers, catechists, and parents can use Children's Daily Prayer to instill in children the habit of prayer and help form them in the heart of Christ's Paschal Mystery, the core and center of all liturgical prayer.